Annual Outing Competition

Sponsor: The Saskatoon Camera Club is hosting the 2014 Annual Outing

Type: Prints and digital image. Print size, mounting and labelling as per PRPA print rules. Digital Image titling as per PRPA rules.

Deadline: Entries to be mailed and/or emailed to the host club contact by August 31st.

Outing Competition Categories: See Prairie Focus Newsletter for details

Conditions: Open to all registered attendees of the Outing, whether PRPA members or not.  Images must be taken at this year’s Annual Outing.

Entries: A total of 4 entries per person; maximum 1 per category. May be prints or digital images. All entries to be shot during the Outing (not on the way to or on the way home).

Judging: The host club is responsible for judging.

Awards: First, Second, Third, and Honorable Mentions in each category and format. Presented at the following year’s Outing.

General Print Rules: see General Rules for Print Competitions

General Digital Image Rules: see General Rules for Digital Image Competitions

Entry Form found in the Downloads page