Prairie Focus Newsletter
This quarterly newsletter keeps the members of PRPA informed and in touch. The newsletter contains:
information on upcoming PRPA competitions & events
competition results and images of winning photos
club reports describing activities of member camera clubs
reports on PRPA board meetings and AGM
reports from PRPA committees
articles on a variety of photographic topics
Members have the option of having their Prairie Focus mailed in printed form or e-mailed in pdf format.
Volume 52 2011-12 1. Fall 2. Winter 3. Spring & Summer
Volume 48 2007-08 1. Fall & Winter 3. Spring 4. Summer
Volume 47 2006-07 1. Fall & Winter 3. Spring 4. Summer
Volume 42 2001-02 1. Fall 2. Winter / Spring 4. Summer
Deadline for Submissions
The deadline for submissions to the Prairie Focus newsletter are:
Winter: January 15
Summer: May 15
Spring: March 15
Fall: October 15