There are two membership classes in PRPA, each with a different fee and list of benefits. An Individual Membership is for an individual and has the most benefits. A Club Member is someone who belongs to a club which has taken out a Club Membership in PRPA, and has limited benefits.
Both classes of membership expire on June 30 each year.
Individual Membership
Any amateur photographer from Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta is eligible, whether a member of a club or not.
Fee is currently $35 per year. Early bird rate is $25 to September 30 each year.
Eligible to enter all PRPA competitions. They may enter the two club competitions (Everest and Gerry Fish) only as part of a Member Club.
Eligible to participate in the Print Circuit and Digital Photo Circuit.
Receive the quarterly newsletter “Prairie Focus” in either digital or print format.
Eligible to vote at the AGM.
Eligible to receive a member discount, when offered, at the PRPA June Outing.
Register by mail: Download PDF Form
Club Membership
A member of a club which is a Member Club of PRPA.
Any photography club in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta is eligible.
Fee is paid by the club, making all of the club’s members a PRPA Club Member for that year.
Fee is set at $1 per registered member of the club as of the end of the previous June.
A PRPA Club Member may also, on submission of the application form and fee, become an Individual Member of PRPA.
Eligible to enter the club competitions (as part of the club entry).
Eligible to enter the Hand of Man and the Gail Christensen Artistic Expressions digital competitions.
Receive the Prairie Focus newsletter in digital format.
Eligible to receive a member discount, when offered, at the PRPA June Outing.
Anyone wishing to become an Individual Member of PRPA may submit their membership form and fee on their own, or through their club representative, to the PRPA Treasurer. The annual membership fee is set each year at the AGM. It is currently $35 per person.
To use the fillable PDF forms, first download and save it to your computer. Open in Adobe Reader (or any PDF program), type in the information, and resave. Print and attach with your check or send by email with payment by e-transfer.
PRPA provides the opportunity to compete with other amateur photographers beyond your local camera club. The competitions are friendly and the judges’ comments provide helpful feedback. The winners are awarded certificates and ribbons. Digital image competitions are held in both fall and spring; print competitions in the spring. PRPA member clubs take turns judging the competitions; each club is requested to judge at least one competition each year.