Portfolio Print Competition

Sponsor: Pat Derbowka and Maureen Sinclair of the Saskatoon Camera Club

Type: Prints – Colour or Monochrome; 4”x 6”; unmounted

Deadline: Entries to be mailed or delivered so as to be received by the judging club by November 15

Theme: One print each of: Landscape, Nature, Portrait, Macro/Close-up, and Open. Indicate titles and theme on the back of each print.

Category Definitions:

  • Landscape: Any scenery which may include some sign of man or man himself. N

  • Nature: Subject is restricted to all things that are wild, for example, birds, animals, insects, plants, rocks, fossils, stars or planets. No sign of man should be evident, for example a road, building, fence, cultivated plant, domestic animal or man himself. A banded wild animal or bird will not be disqualified.

  • Portrait: Portraits are planned pictures of one or more individuals, intended to reveal their character, personality or mood. Animal portraits are allowed.

  • Macro/Close-up: Close up image of something visible (not microscopic) such as a flower or insect.

  • Open: Any subject.

Conditions: Open to Individual Members only.

Entries: One set of 5 prints per member

Awards: The 5 prints to be judged as one entry. First, Second, Third and Honorable Mentions awarded.

General Rules: Please see General Rules for Print Competitions

Entry Form found in the Downloads page