Everest Digital Image Club Competition

Sponsor: Charles and Olive Everest of the Foothills Camera Club in the 1950’s

Type: Digital image jpg

Deadline: Entries to be mailed to the judging club by November 15

Theme: Open, with special awards for certain categories

Conditions: Open to Member Clubs of PRPA only. See General Rules for Digital Image Competitions for size, format and filename requirements. Please add the category initial to the beginning of the file name. For example a landscape image could be L-Pretty Sunset-Jane Doe-RoPC.jpg.

Entries: Each club selects 10 images to represent their club. The Club Representative, or other designated person, shall collect the entries from your club and forward them along with the 2 page Everest Competition entry form to the judging club on a CD, flash drive or using a file sharing service such as DropBox or WeTransfer. Do not e-mail the entries for this competition.

  •  Clubs having up to 49 members can select up to 2 images from each member

  •  Clubs having 50 or more members can select 1 image from each member

  •  Each member can only enter with one club even if they belong to more than one.

Awards: Everest Trophy is presented to the club with the highest total score for their club entry. The Best of Show certificate and ribbon are awarded to the highest scoring image of all images entered.

Certificates and ribbons are awarded to the makers for the highest scoring image in each category:

  •  Best Landscape

  •  Best Nature

  •  Best Portrait

  •  Best Abstract

  •  Best Open

Each image must have the category indicated in the entry form to be eligible for that category award.

Images not indicated as to category shall be considered entered in Open.

No Second place, Third place or Honorable Mention awards are given.

Category Definitions:

  • Landscape: Any scenery which may include some sign of man or man himself.

  • Nature: Subject is restricted to all things that are wild, for example, birds, animals, insects, plants, rocks, fossils, stars or planets. No sign of man should be evident, for example a road, building, fence, cultivated plant, domestic animal or man himself. A banded wild animal or bird will not be disqualified.

  • Portrait: Portraits are planned pictures of one or more individuals, intended to reveal their character, personality or mood. Animal portraits are allowed.

  • Abstract: Images use shapes, lines, color and texture to create an effect; the subject matter is not immediately recognizable.

  • Open: Any subject.

General Rules: Please see General Rules for Digital Image Competitions

Entry Form found in the Downloads page